Thursday, 10 July 2014

Increased Household Responsibility Means Less Time between the Sheets for Women

The greater the responsibility a women has in major decision making about her household the less sex she will have; this is according to a study done at The John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. This research was done in the Sub-Saharan Africa. The interesting thing was the disparity between those women who had a say in the important decisions pertaining to health care, large and small household purchases etc and those who didn’t.
“A very consistent pattern was observed across all six countries we surveyed as the number of decisions in which a women had the final say increased, the mean and median time since most recent sex also increased by three- to 100-fold,” said Michelle Hindin, PhD, MHS, lead author of the study and an associate professor at the Bloomberg School’s Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. “The more decisions a woman reported making on her own, as compared to joint decision making, the less likely she was to have sex and the longer it was since she last had sexual intercourse.”
This is an interesting study as it gives an insight into the role of socio economic factors along with age, duration of marriage and household wealth has on the decision making responsibilies of women and how it effects their sexual activities . This study will be published in October and it will help therapists in understanding and improving the sexual life of such women.

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