Thursday, 10 July 2014

One Very Good Reason for Women to Not Binge Drink

Go to any nightclub or bar in any of the major metropolitan cities in India and you will increasingly find a lot of young women binge drinking (consuming 5 or more alcoholic beverages). Now while there is no harm in being a social drinker and consuming alcohol in moderation, getting into a habit of drinking heavily can lead to a lot of problems like liver problems, adverse affect on personal and professional relationships etc. These problems are well documented and most people are aware of these.
But there is one reason why women in particular should be wary of becoming a binge drinker. According to a study there is a direct link between binge drinking and risky sexual behavior among women. Consuming excessive amount of alcohol impairs the ability to make clear decisions and leads individuals to indulge in behavior which they wouldn’t normally do when sober.
Especially problematic is the lowering of inhibitions and indulgence in experimental sexual activities among women who binge drink. They are more susceptible to indulging in unsafe sexual practices like sex with multiple partners and anal sex. All this increases the chances of them having unwanted pregnancies and acquiring sexually transmitted diseases. Women binge drinkers are 5 times more likely to contract gonorrhea than women who don’t drink.
When compared to men, women are at greater risk of contracting STD’s. So it becomes even more important for women to stay away from binge drinking. I know that binge drinking is becoming socially acceptable among young people and peer pressure also plays an important part in youngsters’ indulgence in it, but the risks associated with it are just not worth it.
As I said before the current social environment makes it hard for young women to not to drink alcohol, but you can always say NO. And if you drink; make sure you drink in moderation. If not then you need to know that the consequences of your indiscretions maybe quite unpleasant.

Tagged as: health tips, lifestyle, sex problems, sexual health, STD's, women, women sex problems

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