Have you had a relationship with somebody who lives so far away from you? This is quite common for college students who left a high school boyfriend or girlfriend back at home. Distance can be a major issue in a relationship. If the two of you can’t see each other often, how can you bond together and share things together? How can you act like you’re in a real relationship with each other that way?
In a long distance relationship, trust, love, and loyalty come into play. You don’t want to be the mouse that plays while the cat is away. Even if your partner won’t ever know, there will be guilt feelings inside you that could ruin things between the two of you if you succumb to the temptations around you.
If you really love your partner but you have to be away from him or her for a long period of time, you have to exert extra effort to make the relationship work. Nightly calls are going to help a lot. Update each other on what happened during your respective day out. You surely want to know what things are new back home. Hear it straight from your partner. And you’ll feel like you’re right there with him or her.
Communication is the key here. Today is the world of the worldwide web. You practically have a lot of choices when it comes to keeping in touch with the rest of the world. There’s the email, chat, and even the numerous social networking sites. There’s no reason for you not to see or hear your partner despite the fact that you’re miles away from each other.
But then again, all of these things are just small ways to ease your longing for each other. See to it that you get to visit your partner when you have the chance. And when you do see each other, make the most out of it. It can be just a weekend vacation but make it feel like a lifetime.
Distance can create a very serious strain in relationships. If not handled the right way, it can make you feel frustrated, jealous etc. And your relationship may become brittle. But then again, with enough love and trust, both of you can make it work.
Tagged as: relationship tips, relationships
In a long distance relationship, trust, love, and loyalty come into play. You don’t want to be the mouse that plays while the cat is away. Even if your partner won’t ever know, there will be guilt feelings inside you that could ruin things between the two of you if you succumb to the temptations around you.
If you really love your partner but you have to be away from him or her for a long period of time, you have to exert extra effort to make the relationship work. Nightly calls are going to help a lot. Update each other on what happened during your respective day out. You surely want to know what things are new back home. Hear it straight from your partner. And you’ll feel like you’re right there with him or her.
Communication is the key here. Today is the world of the worldwide web. You practically have a lot of choices when it comes to keeping in touch with the rest of the world. There’s the email, chat, and even the numerous social networking sites. There’s no reason for you not to see or hear your partner despite the fact that you’re miles away from each other.
But then again, all of these things are just small ways to ease your longing for each other. See to it that you get to visit your partner when you have the chance. And when you do see each other, make the most out of it. It can be just a weekend vacation but make it feel like a lifetime.
Distance can create a very serious strain in relationships. If not handled the right way, it can make you feel frustrated, jealous etc. And your relationship may become brittle. But then again, with enough love and trust, both of you can make it work.
Tagged as: relationship tips, relationships
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