Friday, 11 July 2014

Survey Shows That Hardness Is More Important Than Size

Here is some interesting news for all those men who obsess with the size (or the lack of) of their manhood. According to a survey done by Harris Interactive Asia at least 70% of the women surveyed in the Philippines and 9 other Asian countries thought that the hardness of a man’s sex organ was more important than its size when it came to them enjoying sex.
The size of their penis is a major concern for a lot of men and this is corroborated by the amount of queries that I get daily about this subject. The widely availability of porn, which shows men with large penises is largely to blame for this. The unrealistic depiction in these movies and pictures makes a lot of men insecure about their “modest” size.
The truth is that most men are endowed with a size that is more than enough to satisfy women sexually. Men need to understand that they need to be concerned not about the size of their penis but how caring and sensitive they were towards the needs of their partner in bed. Satisfying women in bed takes much more than just the size of their organ, they need to set the mood for sexual intercourse and explore other options like foreplay etc to enhance the sexual pleasure of the women.

Tagged as: news, relationships, sex tips

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