Friday, 11 July 2014

Teenage Sexual Disease Rises Due To Morning after Pill Handout

The English government’s attempt to reduce unwanted pregnancies in teenagers, by handing out free morning after pills at pharmacies, has had some unexpected consequences. A new study has shown that this policy had not only failed to cut down on the amount of underage pregnancies but also led to an increase in sexually transmitted diseases.
In India there has been a steady rise in the numbers of unwanted teenage pregnancies over the last few years, and in my opinion, the actual figures are much more than the official figures due to the fact that most such cases go unreported. The implications of this research are profound.
Nowadays you can hardly watch T.V. without coming across an advert for the morning after pill, showing how you can avoid unwanted pregnancies with just the taking of one pill. This can encourage youngsters into believing that it’s okay to indulge in unprotected sex. This in-turn will cause an increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases.
Unlike the West, sex education for youngsters is still considered a very sensitive topic in India. The teachers and parents feel awkward talking about this subject with their children and most of the material used to teach this is biological in nature with very little emphasis on the physical and psychological implications of having unprotected sex.
We need to start changing this by first accepting the fact that teenage sex is very prevalent in our society and then to encourage the youngsters to abstain from sex till they are of age. It is also important to impart the right type of sex education to them because abstinence is hard and not everyone will be able to follow it. They should be aware of the consequences of having unprotected sex not only because of unwanted pregnancies but also because of sexually transmitted diseases.

Tagged as: health tips, lifestyle, sexual health

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