The incidence of sexual health problems in men is on the rise not only in India but also in the rest of the world, the reasons for this dramatic rise is the explosion of population growth along with the current lifestyle which is largely comprised of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise, which contribute to stress and diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart ailments, which in turn can lead to sexual dysfunction in men.
The good news is that medical science is much more effective in diagnosing and treating most sexual health problems, primary of which are erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
The bad news is that the vast majority of men keep suffering from their sex related maladies because of one major reason and that is the embarrassment they feel when talking about their condition with anyone, including their partner, close friends and even their doctor. This hesitancy is natural given the stigma attached with most sex related problems in our society .
Though there has been a lot of awareness created by erectile dysfunction treatments like Viagra to negate to a certain extent the stigma attached with ED ( due to celebrities and sportsmen like Pele endorsing the product etc), other men’s sexual health related conditions like premature ejaculation etc still have big social stigma’s attached to it.
In our society there is a lot of pressure on men to maintain a “Macho” image and the most important part of this perceived image is the sexual prowess of a man, and unfortunately a person suffering from any of the above mentioned maladies cannot openly discuss their problem for fear of being ridiculed, and this leads them to have a very sad and frustrating existence because not only do they not enjoy sex but their self confidence and image take a battering as well.
All these have an obvious effect on their relationship with their spouse or partner; disharmony. The resultant effect may even cause the relationship to break in some extreme cases.
All this is suffering is quite unnecessary, as all they have to have is the courage to seek professional help from a doctor or a qualified clinical sexologist. Just taking this step will get them on their way to recover not only their sex life but their relationship as well. They need not worry about their privacy as the reputed professionals in the field of sexology know how important this is for their patients and take full care to make sure all privacy details are just that- Private.
Tagged as: ed, erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, relationships, sex problems, sexual health

The good news is that medical science is much more effective in diagnosing and treating most sexual health problems, primary of which are erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
The bad news is that the vast majority of men keep suffering from their sex related maladies because of one major reason and that is the embarrassment they feel when talking about their condition with anyone, including their partner, close friends and even their doctor. This hesitancy is natural given the stigma attached with most sex related problems in our society .
Though there has been a lot of awareness created by erectile dysfunction treatments like Viagra to negate to a certain extent the stigma attached with ED ( due to celebrities and sportsmen like Pele endorsing the product etc), other men’s sexual health related conditions like premature ejaculation etc still have big social stigma’s attached to it.
In our society there is a lot of pressure on men to maintain a “Macho” image and the most important part of this perceived image is the sexual prowess of a man, and unfortunately a person suffering from any of the above mentioned maladies cannot openly discuss their problem for fear of being ridiculed, and this leads them to have a very sad and frustrating existence because not only do they not enjoy sex but their self confidence and image take a battering as well.
All these have an obvious effect on their relationship with their spouse or partner; disharmony. The resultant effect may even cause the relationship to break in some extreme cases.
All this is suffering is quite unnecessary, as all they have to have is the courage to seek professional help from a doctor or a qualified clinical sexologist. Just taking this step will get them on their way to recover not only their sex life but their relationship as well. They need not worry about their privacy as the reputed professionals in the field of sexology know how important this is for their patients and take full care to make sure all privacy details are just that- Private.
Tagged as: ed, erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, relationships, sex problems, sexual health
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