Friday, 11 July 2014

The Facts about Penile Prosthesis

Penile prosthesis is a medical device which is surgically implanted in a penis when all other options to treat erectile dysfunction have been ineffective. This is done if there is a clear cut medical cause for impotence and there is no other option available to resolve the issue. Other reasons can be Peyronie’s disease in which scarring causes erections to curve, or accidents and severe injury to the genital area of a man. This kind of surgery is increasing worldwide with over 20,000 procedures done in the U.S. alone in 2009.
There are different types of devices available, which include a pair of malleable rods(which can be bent into position depending on the situation) which are implanted surgically in the erection chambers of the penis.
The other option for penile implant is the hydraulic prosthesis, which is inflatable and is much easier to control and easily concealable.
Penile implants don’t change the sensation on the penis during intercourse and the man is able to have an orgasm and ejaculate normally.
Modern surgical advances and improvement in penile prosthesis have improved the overall success rate and satisfaction a lot in the last decade or so and improvement in quality and durability of these implants mean they can go a long time without being replaced. Having said that; as with any type of major surgical procedure there are chances of complications and this option should only be used under the strict medical supervision of a qualified medical surgeon who specialize in such procedures and has a good track record of performing successful penile implant surgeries. Proper after care and monitoring facilities are also very important.
Do your research and talk to qualified specialists like sexologists and urologists to first know if this is a viable option for your erectile dysfunction as the vast majority of ED cases don’t require any such invasive procedures to be treated successfully. Ask him to explain all the pros and cons of this procedure and only then make a decision about undergoing this surgery. Penile implant surgery is available in India if your doctor decides that this is the only option left for you to be able get and maintain an erection.

Tagged as: ed, erectile dysfunction, impotence, penile implants, penile prosthesis, sex problems

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