Friday, 11 July 2014

Study Shows Vitamin B3 Helps Combat Erectile Dysfunction in Men with High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol is a problem which is being faced by a lot of men today, the main cause of which is the contemporary lifestyle that men lead especially in the urban areas. The high demands of today’s lifestyle mean that loss of exercise and healthy eating are the things that get laid by the wayside. Time constraints encourage people to eat fast food or foods which are convenient but high on the unhealthy factor and this is one of the top reasons for high cholesterol.
And as we all know that high cholesterol is a major contributor to heart problems, which in-turn can also cause erectile dysfunction because reduced blood flow (due to clogged arteries) to the pelvic area causes loss of erection. A new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that taking Niacin (vitamin B3) daily helped men with high cholesterol improve their erectile function.
This small study showed a marked improvement in the ability to maintain erection in men who took niacin, when compared to the men involved in the study who were given a placebo.
Though study is too small to be totally conclusive, what it does, is to reiterate that we need to make immediate changes to the way we live so that we can improve not only our general health but also sexual health and the first step that we need to take is to improve the quality of our diet.

Tagged as: cholesterol, ed, erectile dysfunction, heart disease, impotence, sexual health

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