About time sex education took its rightful place in the school curriculum in India. NARI (national aids research institute) is pushing its demand for inclusion of sex education in Indian schools. They have tested a module on sex education in different places in the country. This encouraging development and gives hope that this vital part of education for our countries adolescents will get the chance to see the light of day.
But for it to become accepted as part of the mainstream education agenda a lot of stupid prejudices and ignorance will have to be countered. Not only do educators need to be informed why it is so important for the health of our young adults but also parents and politicians. The latter is a group that will need maximum work and need to be educated as to why making sex education a political issue is counterproductive.
They all need to understand that youngsters are curious and experimental by nature and that it is far better that they get the right information to help understand reproductive health and sexuality in the class room, rather than browsing about on the Internet, where they may get conflicting opinions and sometimes very bad advice.
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But for it to become accepted as part of the mainstream education agenda a lot of stupid prejudices and ignorance will have to be countered. Not only do educators need to be informed why it is so important for the health of our young adults but also parents and politicians. The latter is a group that will need maximum work and need to be educated as to why making sex education a political issue is counterproductive.
They all need to understand that youngsters are curious and experimental by nature and that it is far better that they get the right information to help understand reproductive health and sexuality in the class room, rather than browsing about on the Internet, where they may get conflicting opinions and sometimes very bad advice.
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